
Washington and London Accuse Assad of Possessing More Chemical Weapons

The Assad regime has yet to fully disclose or destroy its chemical weapons arsenal, Robert Wood said during a Security Council session
Washington and London Accuse Assad of Possessing More Chemical Weapons

During a Security Council session on the Syrian chemical weapons issue on Wednesday, June 12, Washington and London accused the Assad regime of possessing more chemical weapons and not fully disclosing its stockpile.

Deputy Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood stated that the Assad regime continues to “blatantly” disregard its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and Resolution 2118.

The Assad regime has yet to fully disclose or destroy its chemical weapons arsenal, Wood said, “nor has it accepted responsibility for the atrocities it has caused by using these weapons.”

Wood emphasized the importance of the OPCW’s work in ensuring accountability for those responsible for these attacks.

Laura Dix, deputy political coordinator at the British Foreign Office, confirmed that the Assad regime still possesses chemical weapons, noting that thousands of munitions and hundreds of tons of chemicals are missing in Syria.

Dix highlighted that the Assad regime has failed to provide a full and accurate declaration of its stockpiles, despite the tireless efforts of the OPCW secretariat.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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