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US Central Command Commander Visits Military Bases

This visit was part of his broader tour, which included stops in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Israel, al-Tareek reports.
US Central Command Commander Visits Military Bases

The US Central Command disclosed a visit by its commander, General Michael Eric Corella, to US bases in northeastern and southern Syria last Wednesday and Thursday. This visit was part of his broader tour, which included stops in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Israel, aimed at gaining insight into the security and humanitarian situation and engaging with members of the US service and security partners.

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On February 28th and 29th, General Corella inspected CENTCOM military installations in Jordan and Syria, including the Tower 22 site, the al-Tanf site, the Rmeilan landing zone, the Euphrates Support Force, and Green Village. This inspection was conducted to evaluate ongoing enhancements in force protection, hold discussions with local leaders, and gain firsthand insights into the progress in the campaign against ISIS, as stated by CENTCOM.

General Corella’s visit to Syria encompassed the Roj and al-Hol IDP camps, where he convened with officials and numerous residents to address matters concerning the repatriation of ISIS detainees and the rehabilitation and reintegration of conflict-affected populations.

It’s worth noting that the Roj and al-Hol camps currently accommodate over 45,000 displaced individuals and more than 9,000 ISIS detainees in Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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