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U.S.-Led Coalition is Unwelcome in the Eyes of Syrians: Lavrov

Russian foreign minister points to the 'questionable' actions of U.S.-led forces in Syria, including the shelling of civilians and government forces, SANA reports
U.S.-Led Coalition is Unwelcome in the Eyes of Syrians: Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denounced the U.S.-led coalition in Syria as illegitimate in an interview published on Wednesday, stressing that a solution to the crisis can only be found through a cease-fire and negotiations.

Lavrov said that since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, Russia has insisted on solving it through peaceful means based on dialogue.

Moscow has always affirmed the necessity of preserving the territorial integrity of Syria and that the future of the country must be decided by the Syrian people, he added.

He pointed to the illegal presence of the U.S.-led international coalition in Syria, indicating that the coalition is unwelcome in the eyes of the Syrians and international law.

Lavrov said that America's actions in Syria raise many questions, pointing to the shelling of Syrian forces by "mistake," the inciting of terror attacks against strategic positions and the targeting of civilian sites which have left hundreds of civilians dead.

Speaking on the dangers of terror groups spreading to other countries, Lavrov said Russia is working with the Syrian government upon its request with the aim of eradicating terrorism from Syria, also pointing to the significant Iranian role in solving the crisis.

The minister said that the recent Astana meetings on Syria have been a significant step toward resolving the crisis, at the same time calling upon active players to surrender their geopolitical ambitions and to participate in restoring stability and security to Syria and the Middle East.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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