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Turkish Intervention Prolongs Syrian Crisis – SDC

Ali Rahmoun said the Turkish threats prolong the Syrian crisis, and curb efforts to reach a political solution, according to North Press.
Turkish Intervention Prolongs Syrian Crisis – SDC

Turkish intervention and threats prolong the Syrian crisis, an official in Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) said on Tuesday, stressing efforts are exerted to establish a body towards the political solution in the country.
On November 8, the SDC called for activating intra-Syrian talks since the Syrian issue is not included in the international arena.
The SDC is the political wing of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES). It was founded in 2015 and includes all north and east Syria communities.

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Member of the Executive Committee of the SDC, Ali Rahmoun, said the Turkish threats prolong the Syrian crisis, and curb efforts to reach a political solution, especially that Turkey – if it launches a potential military operation against Syria’s north – “will destabilize the region, backing the crisis to ground zero.”
On Nov. 20, Turkey escalated its shelling of areas in north and northeast Syria, using warplanes, drones and artillery, it– since then – has been threatening to launch a land incursion against the region.
Rahmoun, in a statement to North Press, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan exploited the Istanbul “terrorist” blast on Nov. 13 to launch the military operation in Syria’s north in order “to export social and economic domestic crisis.”
The ongoing Turkish escalation “aims at exploiting nationalistic sentiments for Erdogan to win the elections,” co-chair of the SDC, Riyad Dirar, said on Nov. 24.
Rahmoun stressed a military solution in Syria is “absolutely ruled out” and that there is no way to end the crisis but through the political solution under international resolutions that the SDC has been aiming at.
He highlighted the efforts paid to establish “a political body that leads the political solution and imposes it through the international community and influential countries on the Syrian government and regional states interfered in Syrian affairs.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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