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To Hinder Damascus-Ankara Rapprochement: SDF Ignites Turkish Occupation Fronts North of Aleppo

The so-called Afrin Liberation Forces of the SDF continued to escalate tensions along the contact lines with the Turkish forces, al-Watan reports.
To Hinder Damascus-Ankara Rapprochement: SDF Ignites Turkish Occupation Fronts North of Aleppo

The so-called Afrin Liberation Forces of the SDF continued to escalate tensions along the contact lines with the Turkish forces north of Aleppo. They repeatedly attempted to infiltrate towards Turkish military bases, aiming to inflict casualties on soldiers and affiliated militias. This provoked responses from the Turkish occupation army, resulting in bombings of villages and towns in the vital countryside. These areas include units of the Syrian Arab Army, observation points of the Russian military police, and Kurdish units associated with the Afrin Liberation Forces.

According to sources in the northern Aleppo countryside, the Afrin Liberation Forces attempted an infiltration operation near the Turkish base close to Kaljabrin, in the Azaz area near Maraa. This came shortly after a similar attempt near al-Bab in the northeastern countryside. During the infiltration near Kaljabrin, clashes broke out with Turkish forces and their allied militias from the so-called National Army. Two guards from the military base were killed, and two others were wounded while repelling the infiltration attempt.

Subsequently, the Turkish occupation army and its militias responded with artillery shelling targeting villages and towns in northern Aleppo countryside. Reports did not confirm civilian casualties from this bombardment. Following the shelling, clashes ensued between the two parties, resulting in the death of a leader from the Levant Front, which is affiliated with the National Army.

Civil sources also reported that the Afrin Liberation Forces conducted another infiltration operation two days prior near military points of the Turkish occupation army near al-Ghouz and Harbel, west of al-Bab. This operation resulted in the death of two gunmen from the Sultan Murad division of the National Army, with a third gunman wounded during subsequent clashes near Arab Hassan town.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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