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Syria’s Response Coordinators Calls for De-escalation in N. Syria: Region is Unable to Receive New Displacement

Ongoing military escalation has led to the displacement of hundreds of families, according to Zaman al-Wasl.
Syria’s Response Coordinators Calls for De-escalation in N. Syria: Region is Unable to Receive New Displacement

The Syria Response Coordinators team has reported a distressing situation unfolding in the villages and areas of Jabal al-Zawiya in the southern countryside of Idleb. According to their report, the ongoing military escalation has led to the displacement of hundreds of families. Residential neighbourhoods and agricultural lands in the area are being increasingly targeted, pushing these families to seek refuge in relatively safer villages, towns, and camps further away from the conflict zones. Tragically, this violence has resulted in numerous casualties, with most victims being children and women.

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Since the start of the military escalation initiated by Syrian regime forces and Russia in northwestern Syria at the beginning of September, the Syria Response Coordinators have documented the deaths of ten civilians and injuries to 36 others. The area has been subjected to more than 189 attacks, including 46 airstrikes by Russian warplanes. Moreover, more than 22 service and medical facilities, camps, and schools have been targeted, leading to the displacement of over 6,382 civilians during this period. Thousands more civilians are at risk of displacement if the Syrian regime and Russia continue their violations of the region.

Additionally, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been targeting the eastern and northern areas of Aleppo countryside, resulting in more than 61 attacks and the displacement of over 2,123 civilians. Since the beginning of September, the total number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in northern Syria has reached 8,505, and this number is expected to rise if the escalation persists.

The Syria Response Coordinators strongly condemn these recent escalations and call on all parties involved in the Syrian conflict to take immediate action to halt them. They emphasize that the region is incapable of accommodating continuous waves of displacement and urge all parties to prevent further military operations and violations perpetrated daily by regime forces and Russia in the region.

The team holds the regime forces and their Russian ally directly responsible for the unwarranted military escalation in northwestern Syria.

The organization has also observed the displacement of civilians from the town of al-Ghandoura in the eastern countryside of Aleppo due to ongoing attacks from areas controlled jointly by regime forces and the SDF. These attacks have persisted for several days, leaving many families in the area without a safe haven to shield them from the relentless bombings.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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