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Syria’s Oldest Kurdish Party: Solution to Kurdish Issue in Damascus

A Kurdish politician said the solution to the Kurdish issue would only come from Damascus, stressing the need for unified position between Kurds, according to Athr Press.
Syria’s Oldest Kurdish Party: Solution to Kurdish Issue in Damascus

Ahmed Suleiman, a member of the administrative board of the Politburo of the Kurdish Progressive Democratic Party, which is the oldest Kurdish party, called for dialogue with the Syrian state. He stressed that the solution to the Kurdish issue would only be from Damascus and that the dialogues between Damascus and the Kurdish parties did not rise to the level of negotiations due to the absence of a unified Kurdish position. 

In an interview with Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Suleiman commented on the course of the Turkish-Syrian talks, stressing that the rapprochement between Damascus and Ankara serves the interests of both parties. He hopes that in these talks, Turkey will be reassured that the internal situation in Syria does not constitute a threat factor to its national security. 

Suleiman pointed out that some Kurdish parties contributed to squandering potential opportunities to solve their issue as a result of the absence of realistic political discourse. He said: “After the battles of Ain al-Arab in 2014, then the occupation of Afrin in 2018, Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad in 2019 and the migration of thousands of Kurds to neighbouring countries and Europe, the Kurdish forces were required to maintain their independent political decision at the national level and maintain the realistic discourse of their political movement. They also had to distance themselves from all contradictions and international and regional interventions.” 

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The Kurdish politician added that “although some Kurdish parties have made tactical gains, they have contributed to squandering the potential opportunities to resolve the Kurdish issue and emptying them of their content. They have become part of the contradictions of the regional and international parties that are ravaging the Syrian scene. Therefore any solution that these international parties may reach will be at the expense of the Kurdish people and their rights in Syria as the weakest and least influential link in these countries,” according to Asharq Al-Awsat. 

The member of the Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party pointed out that the situation reached by the Kurdish parties in Syria, prevented the ability of these parties to negotiate with the Syrian government in the periodic meetings they hold with it. He said: “We are aware that the absence of a unified Kurdish position has a role that prevents the formation of a real influence in any dialogue,” noting that “the PYD holds meetings with the Syrian government periodically to discuss security and military coordination due to the deployment of Syrian forces in its areas of control. The leaders of the Kurdish National Council have members in the Constitutional Committee and meet directly with representatives of the Syrian government, as is happening in the Geneva process.” 

Suleiman’s speech coincides with the announcement of the Turkish-Syrian talks that are taking place on the path of rapprochement between the two countries and amid Washington’s failure to bring about a rapprochement between the Kurdish parties. 


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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