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Syrians Will Confront Terrorism: Information Minister

Information MinisterOmran al-Zoubi said Wednesday Syrians will find a political solution to the crisis in their country based on a comprehensive National Dialogue and are determined to confront terrorism.
Syrians Will Confront Terrorism: Information Minister


Information MinisterOmran al-Zoubi said Wednesday Syrians will find a political solution to the crisis in their country based on a comprehensive National Dialogue and are determined to confront terrorism.


Meeting a Latin American media delegation, Zoubi said Syria has no other options but to defend its independenceby pushing ahead with efforts to confront terrorists.


''Syria is being targeted with the aim to pressure it into an historic compromise with the Zionist project in the region, which cannot happen,''Zoubi said.


He pointed out that terrorists identifying as "jihadists" from 29 different countries are now active on the Syrian soil, also warning of the danger of misusing the Islamic term "Jihad" to distort a noble concept.


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