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Syrian Rebels Declare New Major Offensive in Lattakia Countryside

Group of 10 opposition factions announce “Battle to Redress Injustices” in response to regime violations against civilians since the internationally-backed ceasefire took hold in February
Syrian Rebels Declare New Major Offensive in Lattakia Countryside

Syrian armed opposition factions managed to take control of the village of Nahashba in Jabal al-Akrad in the Lattakia countryside hours after the launch of the “Battle to Redress Injustices,” which it announced on Monday morning. At the same time, factions seized control of Tellat al-Malak in the same area and killed 13 fighters belonging to regime forces and allied militias.

In a statement, Syrian militant factions, including Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement and the Army of Islam, announced the start of the battle in response to the frequent violations by regime forces of the ceasefire truce which has been in place in Syria since the end of February.

The factions dubbed the mission the “Battle to Redress Injustices,” but have not yet specified the fronts or areas it includes.

The statement, which was signed by 10 militant factions, said: “After the large number of violations and breaches by regime forces, from striking refugee camps to the continuous bombardment from regime areas near residential districts, we announced the formation of a joint operations room and the start of the ‘Battle to Redress Injustices’ in order to respond to these violations and breaches by Assad’s army.”

Among the factions signing ‘Statement Number 1’ were Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Rahman, Army of Islam, Army of Mujahideen, and Farqat al-Awla al-Sahaliyeh.

“We promise every military detachment who has launched a shell at our innocent people will receive a response, and a powerful one, which will be a lesson to others in the checkpoints and military areas,” the statement added.

This statement comes a day after Mohamad Alloush, chief negotiator for the opposition High Negotiations Committee in Geneva, called on militant factions in Syria to be fully ready and respond to attacks from the regime and its allies.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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