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Syria Looking to Boost Relations With Friendly Countries: Khamis

Syria's new PM says government keen on promoting economic cooperation with Russia, Iran and Belarus
Syria Looking to Boost Relations With Friendly Countries: Khamis

Prime Minister Imad Khamis stressed Syria’s willingness to boost relations with friendly countries in an effort to promote economic cooperation.

Khamis' remarks came in response to congratulations messages sent from Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, first Vice President of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri and Belarusian Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov upon his appointment as Syria’s prime minister.

The PM expressed the Syrian government and people’s gratitude for the support from the leaderships and peoples of Russia, Iran and Belarus, which have contributed to Syria's steadfastness in the face of terrorism and hostile forces.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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