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Syria Urges UN Security Council to Condemn Israeli Attacks on Damascus and Aleppo Airports

Iran expressed deep concerns regarding the presence of US occupation forces in Syria, according to al-Watan.

In a series of recent developments at the United Nations Security Council, two critical issues in the Middle East took center stage. On October 30, 2023, Syria called upon the Security Council to address the recurrent Israeli assaults on Damascus and Aleppo airports. During the same session, Acting Charge de’ Affairs of Syria’s UN delegation, Al Hakam Dandi, emphasized the impact of Western sanctions on the country. A day later, on October 31, 2023, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amir-Saeed Iravani, expressed concerns about the presence of US occupation forces in Syria. Here’s a comprehensive look at both situations.

Syria Appeals for UN Action Against Israeli Attacks

Syria raised an urgent plea at the UN Security Council, calling for condemnation of repeated Israeli attacks on Damascus and Aleppo airports. Al Hakam Dandi, representing Syria at the session, highlighted that these attacks had occurred in quick succession, totaling four in recent days. He asserted that these attacks were designed to destabilize the region, further intensifying an already volatile situation.

Syrian Regime Won’t Open a New Front with Israel

Dandi drew attention to the simultaneous Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in significant civilian casualties. Syria implored the UN Security Council to take immediate action to halt these attacks and hold those responsible accountable. Moreover, Dandi criticized Western nations for their perceived support of the Israeli occupation, arguing that it made them complicit in the crimes attributed to the Zionist entity.

He also underscored the dire consequences of Western sanctions and coercive measures imposed on Syria. These measures, Dandi argued, had deprived the Syrian population of essential rights such as access to food, healthcare, education, and economic development. He pointed out that these sanctions, coupled with what he described as Washington’s exploitation of Syria’s national resources, had exacerbated economic and humanitarian suffering in the country.

Additionally, Dandi noted that certain entities deliberately perpetuated the challenging humanitarian situation in Syria, especially in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake. He urged member countries to demonstrate genuine political will to address the crisis, emphasizing the need to put an end to Israeli aggression, terminate illegitimate foreign presence, and promptly lift the Western blockade.

Iran’s Concerns Over US Presence in Syria

During a session at the United Nations Security Council in New York on October 31, 2023, Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amir-Saeed Iravani, expressed deep concerns regarding the presence of US occupation forces in Syria. He argued that the absence of international legitimacy for this presence had significantly contributed to creating an environment conducive to the growth of terrorist organizations in Syria and the wider region.

Despite more than a decade of conflict in Syria, Iravani pointed out that terrorism remained a grave concern, posing a continuing threat to Syria and the broader Middle East. He emphasized that counterterrorism efforts should be conducted with full respect for Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Iravani also accused the United States of exacerbating tensions in the region through its overt support for the Israeli occupation, which had led to the loss of innocent Palestinian lives. He expressed deep concern that this unwavering US support for the Israeli occupation had become a significant challenge for the international community, particularly in the context of the ongoing situation in the Gaza Strip.

Both of these UN Security Council sessions underscored the complex and volatile nature of the Middle East’s geopolitical landscape and the pressing need for international dialogue and cooperation to address the ongoing crises in the region.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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