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Syria UN Rep. Israeli Occupation’s Brutal Campaign in Gaza Strip: A Bid to Erase the Palestinian Issue

Syria expressed grave concern over the escalating Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people, according to al-Baath.

In a statement delivered at the General Assembly during an informal listening meeting on the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, Al-Hakam Dandi, the acting charge d’affaires of the Permanent Delegation of Syria to the United Nations, expressed grave concern over the escalating Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people in the occupied territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip. He asserted that these relentless acts of aggression are part of a systematic campaign to displace Palestinians from their ancestral lands and alter the demographic character of the region.

Over the past six weeks, the Israeli occupation forces have unleashed a barrage of airstrikes, artillery bombardments, and naval attacks on Gaza, resulting in the tragic loss of over 13,000 innocent civilian lives. Shockingly, half of the victims are children and women, with more than 30,000 people left wounded. In addition, the number of individuals still unaccounted for has surpassed 6,000, including over 4,000 children and women buried beneath the rubble.

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Dandi emphasized that this brutal onslaught represents a calculated effort by the Israeli occupation to silence the Palestinian issue through mass atrocities in the Gaza Strip.

While condemning, in the strongest terms, the continuous and barbaric aggression carried out by Israeli authorities against the Palestinian people, the Syrian Arab Republic also denounced the complicity of certain Western nations in concealing the indiscriminate bombings and civilian casualties. Furthermore, Dandi pointed out that these countries openly defy the resolutions adopted by the Security Council and General Assembly in recent times.

The Syrian diplomat reaffirmed his country’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their tireless struggle to reclaim their occupied lands and establish an independent, sovereign state, with Jerusalem as its capital. He called for an immediate cessation of Israeli aggression, urgent humanitarian assistance for the people of Gaza Strip, and the pursuit of international justice for Israeli officials responsible for these crimes.

In the face of such tragic events, the international community must stand united in condemning these atrocities and working towards a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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