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Syria Slams Israel’s New Project in Occupied Golan, Reaffirms Solidarity With Protesters

Following Israeli plans to erect wind turbines on occupied land in the Syrian Golan, Syria has issued a strong condemnation, saying that the move is a breach of international law writes SANA.
Syria Slams Israel’s New Project in Occupied Golan, Reaffirms Solidarity With Protesters

There continues to be racist practices and gross and systematic violations of the rights of the Syrian Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan, carried out by the Israeli occupation authorities, some of which amount to war crimes.

On Dec. 7, 2020, the Israeli occupation forces closed a number of the main entrances to the villages of the occupied Syrian Golan and prevented the people of the Syrian Arab Golan from reaching their agricultural lands in the areas where the occupation wants to establish its destructive colonial project by erecting wind turbines in the areas of Majdal Shams, Sahita, Buqata and Masada. Violations such as the confiscation of land and property and theft of natural resources are considered war crimes and a clear violation of international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and Security Council Resolution No. 497 of 1981.

A Foreign Ministry statement said, “The Syrian Arab population, including the people of the occupied Syrian Golan, reject the Israeli plans to seize their lands. They stood in the face of the oppressive measures of the Israeli occupation authorities aimed at terrorizing them and the seizure of their lands by armed force. With all means they confronted the Israeli occupation forces as they tried to implement their colonial and destructive scheme to establish these turbines, displace them from their villages, and transfer Israeli settlers to these lands in order to Judaize them.”

The statement continued, “The Syrian Arab Republic rejects and condemns the colonial practices of the Israeli occupation authorities as a clear violation of the rules of international law, the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, United Nations General Assembly resolutions and Security Council Resolution No. 497 of 1981, which considered the decision of Israel to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan as null and void and has no international legal effect.”


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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