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Suweida Continues to Protest, While Russia’s Aggression in Idleb Persists

The broader region of Idleb had witnessed a dangerous military escalation over the past 15 days, according to Baladi News.
Suweida Continues to Protest, While Russia’s Aggression in Idleb Persists

Amidst the ongoing turmoil in Syria, the situation remained tense on multiple fronts. In Suweida, a relentless protest against the Syrian regime had entered its 60th consecutive day. Al Karama Square was once again filled with demonstrators demanding change. Banners were raised, emblazoned with principles of international law advocating for human rights, as well as calls for freedom. Notably, women continued to play a significant role in the protests, mirroring the past two months’ pattern. Chants echoed through the square, decrying the regime and accusing Bashar al-Assad of betrayal.

The demonstrators fervently called for the regime’s overthrow, the trial of Bashar al-Assad, and the implementation of UN Resolution 2254, which outlined a path towards a peaceful transfer of power through democratic elections under the watchful eye of the United Nations. The streets of Suweida remained ablaze with the passion of a population determined for change.

Suweida Demonstrators Rally for 60th Day, Demand Syrian Regime Change

However, in the Idleb province, a different form of turmoil gripped the region. The Russian Air Force had escalated its air strikes in the western countryside of Idleb. On the very same day, October 17th, Russian warplanes relentlessly pounded the area. Their targets included a camp for displaced persons and the surrounding forestlands between the villages of Sheikh Youssef and Hafsrja. Over ten airstrikes rained destruction upon these locations, causing both human and material damage.

Tragically, the aerial bombardment resulted in minor injuries to two women and a young girl. They were promptly treated by civil defence teams. Additionally, civilians’ private and public properties suffered considerable damage, further exacerbating the already dire situation. 

The village of Quneitra and its adjacent agricultural lands did not escape the wrath of the Russian aircraft. More than ten successive airstrikes battered these areas, forcing displaced individuals living in the camp and families in the nearby villages to flee to the safety of nearby fields and farms. Fear gripped the hearts of these people, as they dreaded their homes and tents might once again become targets of the relentless bombing campaign.

The broader region of Idleb had witnessed a dangerous military escalation over the past 15 days. This escalation, driven by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally, had led to a devastating toll on civilians. The recent wave of bombings had resulted in the tragic loss of 48 civilian lives, including 14 children and 9 women, with an additional 213 individuals wounded, among them 69 children and 41 women. As the protests in Suweida and the air raids in Idleb continued, Syria remained mired in turmoil, with the hopes and dreams of its people hanging in the balance.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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