
Stalled Negotiations Between Asayish, Syrian Regime

Tensions between Asayish and government forces are no closer to being resolved, according to The Levant News.
Stalled Negotiations Between Asayish, Syrian Regime

No common vision has been reached to end recent tensions in the cities of Hassakeh and Qamishli. The impasse came during a meeting held under the auspices of the Russian forces in the city of Raqqa, between a delegation from the Autonomous Administration and the Syrian regime. 

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the two sides discussed several topics, including those detained by the Syrian regime and possibly disclosing their fate, which has been the main cause of the recent tension between the National Defense Forces and Kurdish security forces (Asayish) militants in Hassakeh and Qamishli. 

The attendees also discussed the issue of the siege on the areas of al-Shahba and the neighborhoods of Aleppo, and the issue of depriving Autonomous Administration bakeries of flour.

In the same context, the Syrian Observatory’s sources reported that the regime’s National Defense Forces mobilized their members in the Tayy neighborhood, which they control, in the city of Qamishli several hours ago, for unknown reasons. 

As per the Observatory’s sources, a number of National Defense personnel fired several shots at the Asayish checkpoint at the entrance to the neighborhood, without a response from the Asayish. No information was received about casualties. 

Furthermore, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had released the secretary of the Ras al-Ayn Division after he was arrested more than a week ago in the Abu Rasin area, on charges of “inciting the people to stage demonstrations against SDF.”

SDF also released the eight teachers who were arrested by the Asayish a few days ago in the town of Karaki Laki, located in the Rmelan district of the Qamishli countryside, for teaching the regime’s curricula in a homeschooling setting. 

According to the same sources, the release of the teachers came after notables signed pledges not to give lessons to students based on the Syrian regime’s curricula.

The teachers who had been arrested in Amuda, in the countryside of Hassakeh, were also released, about a week after their arrest. The teachers pledged to stop teaching the regime curricula in their homes. 

The Asayish continue to arrest teachers from Rmelan, on the same charge. It is noteworthy that a demonstration took place about a week ago in the city of Amuda, in which dozens of students participated, to demand the release of the teachers detained by SDF.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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