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Speaker Stresses Need for Improved Jordanian-Syrian Relations

Syria's People’s Assembly Speaker extended his thanks for the invitation to Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union conference writes SANA.
Speaker Stresses Need for Improved Jordanian-Syrian Relations

People’s Assembly Speaker Hammoudeh Sabbagh stressed during his meeting with a parliamentary delegation from Jordan, headed by Jordanian MP Tarek Khoury, the head of the Syrian-Jordanian Friendship Committee, the need for activating the work of the Committee and exchanging expertise in a way that serves the interests of the two countries.

Sabbagh pointed out that Syria is boosting relations with states that stood by its side, expressing appreciation for the invitation for Syria to the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (APU) conference, to be held in Jordan next month. 

For his part, Khoury considered that inviting the Syrian parliament to the conference is a qualitative step in the course of improving the mutual relationship. 

In a press statement following the meeting, Khoury stressed that following their victories, Syria will be able to move forwards, adding that Damascus will always be the resisting front for the Arab people.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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