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Southern Front Rebels Thwart ISIS Counterattack in West Daraa

FSA fighters kill two members of the ISIS-linked Khalid Bin al-Walid Army near the Israeli border, Zaman al-Wasl reports
Southern Front Rebels Thwart ISIS Counterattack in West Daraa

Southern Front rebels thwarted an Islamic State (ISIS) counterattack on its bases in the western countryside of Daraa, killing two militants, field sources said Sunday.

The key Free Syrian Army unit launched a major attack on the ISIS-affiliated Khalid Bin al-Walid Army based near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, local activists said on Thursday. Two rebels from the Al-Haq Division were also wounded in the attack in the Yarmouk Basin.

Several skirmishes have taken place in the Yarmouk Basin area between the ISIS-linked Khalid Bin al-Walid Army and the Jordan-backed rebels in last few months.

The Khalid Bin al-Walid Army was formed in May 2016 and is an alliance of several jihadist groups, the largest of them the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, listed by Washington as a terrorist group.

Daraa-based activists said the Israeli air force has been pounding ISIS bastions near the occupied territory.

Opposition monitor the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Khalid Bin al-Walid Army is estimated to have some 1,200 fighters, and controls territory in western Daraa province along the border with the occupied Golan Heights.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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