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Putin Rejected Mediation on Ukraine: Israel Fears Mixing Issues in Syria

Israel is worried that Putin might hinder its operations in Syria, after it expressed support to Ukraine, according to al-Watan.
Putin Rejected Mediation on Ukraine: Israel Fears Mixing Issues in Syria
Putin Rejected Mediation on Ukraine: Israel Fears Mixing Issues in Syria

While Russia rejected an offer by the Israeli occupation entity to mediate in resolving the crisis in Ukraine, Israeli media revealed fears among Tel Aviv officials that the operation would cause confusion in Syria and blow up everything that had been built between Tel Aviv and Moscow regarding the region. 

The Israeli broadcasting corporation announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected Israel’s mediation in resolving the Ukrainian crisis, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported on Sunday. 

Earlier on Sunday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett initiated a telephone conversation with Putin, during which he offered “Israeli mediation to suspend hostilities in Ukraine,” according to a Kremlin statement posted on the al-Mayadeen Net website. 

According to the statement, “Putin briefed Bennett on the details of the special operation to protect Donbas, and confirmed that Russia is ready for talks in Gomel, Belarus.” 

 Read Also: Israeli Officials: U.S. Sanctions Against Russia Could Affect us in Syria

Following Putin’s rejection of Israeli mediation, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed that there is a fear among the occupying entity that the Russian military operation in Ukraine will produce a worrying situation for it in Syria, as Moscow is expected to upset its understandings with Israel on what it called “Iranian positioning,” according to opposition websites. 

The newspaper noted that Israel fears that Russia will unleash Iran to transfer whatever weapons it wants to Syria, and give it the freedom to move in all regions of the country. 

It explained that Israel’s leadership had ordered the leaders and politicians of the occupying army not to comment on the events of the war in Ukraine, to prevent their misinterpretation, which might be reflected in the situation in Syria.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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