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Pentagon to Syria TV: Russia Breaks Isolation with Fighters Sent by Syrian Regime

General Patrick Ryder said that Russia's resort to fighters from the Assad regime in Ukraine is evidence of its international isolation, according to Syria TV.
Pentagon to Syria TV: Russia Breaks Isolation with Fighters Sent by Syrian Regime

Pentagon spokesman General Patrick Ryder said that Russia’s resort to fighters from the Assad regime in Ukraine is evidence of its international isolation at a time when European countries seek to provide Kyiv with high-grade weapons and equipment.

This development came in a new episode of the index program, released on Wednesday, which was devoted to the conduct of the battles in Ukraine and its impact on Syria. The program involved the participation of the Pentagon, European Union spokesman Luis Bueno and spokeswoman for the Southern Ukrainian Operations Command, Colonel Natalia Homenyuk.

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Pentagon spokesman Ryder told Syria TV that the United States would continue to support Ukraine with the necessary equipment to stop the advance of the Russians. He stressed that the tanks that Kyiv would receive would break the lines of Russian forces in Ukraine.

He added that Russia’s resort to fighters from the Assad regime was proof of its international isolation.

For his part, European Union spokesman Bueno told Syria TV that the EU’s position has not changed and that it will continue to support Ukraine.

He pointed out that Brussels will hold a European summit with Ukraine in Kyiv for the first time since the war began in February 2022.

He added that European support with quality tanks for the Ukrainian army was a positive step on the right path to confronting an enemy state that attacked Ukraine while also possessing nuclear weapons.

“We are investigating the arrival of Syrian fighters in our country.”

For her part, Homenyuk told Syria TV: “Russia announced the destruction of tanks that did not reach us in the first place, in light of the Russian military retreat witnessed by the fronts recently.”

Homenyuk added that Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov was following up with allies in the United States and the European Union on the  F-16 file.

She noted that the Ukrainian government is investigating the arrival of Syrian regime fighters in Ukraine to help Russia in its war against Ukrainians.

In recent weeks, a number of European countries — including Germany, Spain and Great Britain — announced the dispatch of a group of modern attack tanks to Ukraine to confront Russian forces, which is an important development in the war.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.


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