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Over 6,000 Regime Attacks in De-Escalation Zone in  a Single Month

Regime attacks in the de-escalation zone have killed 135 civilians and forces over 150,000 people to flee their homes reports Alsouria Net.
Over 6,000 Regime Attacks in De-Escalation Zone in  a Single Month

The Bashar al-Assad regime and Iran-backed militias have carried out 6,442 attacks on the de-escalation zone in the country’s north since March, despite the Sochi agreement being in effect.

Sources in the Syrian Civil Defense said that regime forces and terrorist groups had carried out 6,336 artillery, rocket and mortar strikes on the Hama and Idleb countrysides, which are part of the de-escalation agreement.

They added that regime aircraft have carried out 86 air raids on the same area over the last month.

The sources said that over the same period, Civil Defense teams have dismantled 116 unexploded shells fired by regime forces.

On Apr. 2, 2019, a report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights said that 135 civilians had been killed in bombardments carried out by the regime and Iran and Russia-backed groups in opposition areas.

A report by the Response Coordination Group (a local humanitarian group) said that 160,583 civilians had fled their homes in the de-escalation zone since Feb. 9, 2019, and had headed to areas on the border with Turkey.

Idleb province along with the northern Hama countryside and the western Aleppo countryside and a small part of the northern Lattakia countryside comprise the de-escalation zones, according to the Sochi deal.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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