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Norwegian Plans to Train Syrian Fighters a ‘Violation of Sovereignty’: Syria

Foreign ministry source says Damascus condemns plans by Oslo to send 60 troops to Jordan to train Syrian fighters against ISIS
Norwegian Plans to Train Syrian Fighters a ‘Violation of Sovereignty’: Syria

Syria denounced on Monday statements by Norway regarding its intention to send 60 special forces soldiers to train “Syrian fighters” in Jordan under the pretext of fighting the Islamic State group.

A foreign ministry source told SANA on Tuesday that Syria denounces the statements made by Prime Minister Erna Solberg, stressing that any such decision by the Norwegian government contradicts international legitimacy and the UN Security Council’s resolutions on combating terrorism.

The source said that such a decision constitutes a blatant and unacceptable interference in Syria’s affairs and a flagrant violation of sovereignty, security and stability, stressing that it cannot be justified under the context of combating terrorism since it has not been coordinated with the Syrian government.

The source affirmed that those who wish to fight terrorist organizations inside Syria must not employ double standards because all those who bear arms against the Syrian people and legitimate government are considered terrorists.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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