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New Statistics Reveal the Daily Syrian Births in Turkey

Turkey, which hosts the largest number of refugees, has seen a recent increase in numbers reports Ana Press.
New Statistics Reveal the Daily Syrian Births in Turkey

New statistics announced by the Department of Migration in Turkey show about 400 Syrian children being born a day in Turkey (specifically, 395 children), with Urfa’s share at 50-55 children per day.

The number of Syrians in Turkey up to September reached 3,585,738, according to the latest statistics, released on Friday by the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

The statistics issued by the Ministry’s migration department said on Oct. 20, 2018, that the number of Syrians had risen by more than 33,000 since the last release of statistics. The same statistics showed the total number of Syrians in temporary shelter centers at 177,376 people.

On June 7, the Turkish Department of Migration said that the number of Syrian refugees had reached 3,583,434, and the same statistics said that one in five Syrians was living in Istanbul. The number of Syrians in Istanbul reached 561,159.

In second place after Istanbul was Sanliurfa, with the number of Syrians there at 475,782, and then 445,095 in the Hatay province. The rest were distributed throughout the Turkish interior in other states.

The statistics revealed that the number of Syrians who were born in Turkey since 2011 until now has reached 276,158 children, while 214,849 Syrians live in camps. Of the 3,583,434 Syrians in Turkey, there were 1,943,374 men and 1,640,060 women.

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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