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Minister Says Syria has Plan to Protect Civilians, Women and Children

Shammat was talking at a press conference in Tehran
Minister Says Syria has Plan to Protect Civilians, Women and Children

Minister of Social Affairs, Kinda al-Shammat said on Monday that for the last two years the government has laid plans and programs "to protect civilians, particularly women and children.”


In a press conference held in Tehran, Shammat said: “We will not wait for the international conference on Syria, Geneva II, to protect them”.


Shammat said that the parties responsible for beheading people, abusing women, recruiting children for military activities, committing the most heinous crimes do not have the right to feign a desire to protect civilians. She said armed terrorist groups are the ones blockading civilian areas and preventing humanitarian aid delivery.


She called for stopping the politicization of the humanitarian file at the Geneva II conference, adding that the Syrian government is exerting all efforts to protect all civilians and deliver humanitarian aid to all areas, but that armed terrorist groups are continuously attacking the humanitarian convoys and using civilians as human shields.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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