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Mikdad: Syria Did Not and Will Not Use Chemical Weapons

Dr. Faisal Mikdad said that Syria is committed to international peace and the prohibition of chemical weapons reports SANA.
Mikdad: Syria Did Not and Will Not Use Chemical Weapons

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Faisal Mikdad stressed that Syria did not and will not use chemical weapons and it adheres to achieving international peace and security despite the threats from terrorist organizations and their backers.

Mikdad’s remarks came during a symposium on a book titled ‘Syria and the Chemicals With Facts and Documents’ by MP Dr. Ahmad Abdul-Salam Mar’ai, which was held after the book signing ceremony at al-Assad National Library on Sunday evening.

Mikdad heads the National Committee on Implementing Syria’s Commitments according to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

He affirmed that Syria’s decision to join the convention was made freely and willfully in the framework of its sovereignty, independence and in response to the developments of situations in Syria, the  region and the world.

The Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister indicated that the Russian Federation is acting with full responsibility to preserve international peace and security, contrary to the recklessness of some Western states.

Mikdad added that the use of white phosphorus by the US a few days ago in Deir ez-Zor is further evidence that the current US administration and the previous administrations will use any weapon that might serve their interests.

He noted that US President Donald Trump’s announcement of his determination to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, will cause new arms race that threatens peace and security between the two major states, and would mainly harm European states.

For his part, Dr. Mar’ai said that his book is a modest contribution to the disclosure of the facts in the face of the misleading campaign which has targeted Syria since 2011, particularly with regards to accusations of the use of chemical weapons.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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