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Mass Grave Containing More than 10 Bodies Found in Syria’s Manbij

A mass grave containing more than ten bodies was found on Wednesday in the city of Manbij, northern Syria, according to North Press.
Mass Grave Containing More than 10 Bodies Found in Syria’s Manbij

A mass grave, including more than ten bodies, was found on Wednesday in the city of Manbij, northern Syria.

The bodies likely belonged to civilian prisoners during the period of the control of the Islamic State Organization (ISIS) in 2014.

A member of the medical staff supervising the exhumation of the bodies said, “according to the available preliminary information, the bodies are of civilian prisoners of ISIS.”

He added that they could not identify their identities.

The source added that ten bodies had been pulled out of the mass grave near al-Madina hotel, which used to be a prison which ISIS used during its control of Manbij.

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Municipality workers discovered the mass grave while they were working in cleaning a sewage sewer, as they at fist found corpses of three men handcuffed and blindfolded, the source noted.

According to Manbij Health Committee, “As a preliminary result, ten corpses of civilians, including a woman, were found, and their ages ranged between 30 and 60 years.”

“Most of the corpses were handcuffed and blindfolded, and it seems that most of them were shot in the head,” the committee added.

Government brings in reinforcements

On a different note, new military reinforcements of Syrian government forces arrived Wednesday at Menagh Air Base, 6 km south of Azaz, in the northern countryside of Aleppo, in northern Syria, after the General Command of the Syrian army announced its readiness to respond to any Turkish army attack on the area.

“The reinforcements include three soldiers’ carriers, about 40 personnel and two armoured vehicles,” a military source, preferred not to be named for security reasons, told North Press.

The General Command of the Syrian army announced Wednesday that they are fully prepared to confront any possible aggression by the “Turkish regime” on Syrian territory.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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