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Lattakia Military Hospital Secretly Storing Russia’s Dead Soldiers: Source

"The hospital has been closed for several days so it is hard to know the exact number of dead Russian soldiers kept in the facility"
Lattakia Military Hospital Secretly Storing Russia’s Dead Soldiers: Source

The bodies of dozens of dead Russian soldiers are being kept in Lattakia’s military hospital after having died in battles in the north of the province, a source has revealed to Al-Souria Net.

"The hospital has been closed for several days so it is hard to know the exact number of dead Russian soldiers kept in the facility, which is heavily guarded,” the source added. A local journalist confirmed the hospital has been closed for the past eight days due to alleged "maintenance work".

Meanwhile, Russian warplanes have reportedly been involved in at least two friendly fire incidents – in the Doreen Ras Ghanama area in the countryside of Lattakia, where a missile claimed the lives of nine Russian soldiers riding in a military vehicle, while Russian warplanes also targeted regime troops after being given false coordinates.

Military sources told Al-Souria Net that some Russian officers are complaining the militias fighting on the ground do not have proper military experience and are providing inaccurate coordinates, resulting in a number of friendly fire incidents.

Some sources have speculated that Russia may organize military training for fighters, where "the volunteer will undergo a course in Russia for two months, during which they would be trained on using Cornett missiles, medium and light weapons and reconnaissance. The volunteer would be paid a monthly salary of 100,000 Syrian pounds."

This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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