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Kilicdaroglu: We Will Continue to Expose Erdogan’s Syria Policies

A leading Turkish opposition leader has called on Erdogan to pull out all Turkish troops out of Syria and end support for terrorists in Idleb reports SANA.
Kilicdaroglu: We Will Continue to Expose Erdogan’s Syria Policies

The head of the Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdaroglu, called for dialogue and coordination with Syria and for unifying efforts to eliminate terrorist organizations, particularly in Idleb province, indicating that his party will continue to expose the policies of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime in this context.

During a meeting of the CHP Executive Committee on Wednesday, Kilicdaroglu referred to the concluding statement of the conference, which was organized by his party few days ago with the participation of other parties, saying: “It is clear that there is no solution to the crisis in Syria except through political means, which entails joint work against all terrorist organizations, particularly in Idleb.”

The concluding statement called on Erdogan’s regime to withdraw Turkish troops from Syrian territories and to stop supporting terrorists, particularly in Idleb province, calling for a reconsidering of all of its policies towards Syria, which pose a threat to Turkey. 

During the meeting of the Executive Committee, Kilicdaroglu underlined the necessity of dialogue and direct coordination with the Syrian state in order to solve the crisis in Syria and to overcome the consequences in a way that reflect positively on the nations of the region.

In recent years, Erdogan’s regime has supported terrorist organizations in Syria by supplying them with money and arms, and has established shelters for them on the borders. Additionally, it has purchased Syrian oil from the Islamic State, which is on the international terrorism list.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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