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Israel to Bashar al-Assad: We Will Bomb your Palaces!

The threat came days after Israel bombed and completely disrupted the Damascus International Airport, according to Elaph.
Israel to Bashar al-Assad: We Will Bomb your Palaces!

Elaph learned from a high-ranking source that Israel had sent a letter to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It warned him not to continue covering up Iran’s operations in his country and to halt the transfer of quality weapons to Syria. It informed him that one of his palaces would be the target of the following raid by Israeli fighter jets in Syria.

The threat came days after Israel bombed and completely disrupted the Damascus International Airport, in what Israel says targeted sophisticated Iranian arms shipments transported to Syria by the IRGC on civilian planes.

More than two weeks ago, Israel bombed Damascus airport, targeting a control building and military buildings without causing damage to civilian runways. However, it then returned, targeted these civilian runways, and completely disrupted the airport.

Russia reportedly submitted a solid objection to the Israeli leadership in the wake of the airport’s disruption and threatened to change the rules of the game in Syria and abandon the foundations of the agreement between the two countries regarding operating in Syrian airspace.

Read Also: Targeting of Damascus Airport Thwarted 70% Of Iranian Arms Shipments – Israeli Media

The Russian Ministry of Defence issued a statement condemning the strike on civilian stands and calling Israel to stop such actions.

An Israeli source said that relations between Russia and Israel have been declining since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The Russians began to allow Iran to go south of Syria, contrary to the “80 km” agreement of the border line that was in force between Russia and Israel, under which Russia pushed Iran beyond 80 kilometres from Israel’s border with Syria, thereby blocking the possibilities of Iranian positioning close to Israeli territory.

The source added that Israel began preparing for operations deep inside Syria without informing Russia. It pointed out that the bombings in the last month in all areas were known to the Russian side hours before they occurred.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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