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Iranian Foreign Minister Warns of Escalating Tensions and Broader Conflict Amid Israeli Escalation in Gaza

Abdollahian consistently calls for an immediate halt to Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, according to Athr Press.

Amid rising tensions in the region, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian suggested the potential for a broader conflict in response to what he termed “Israeli escalation” in the Gaza Strip. Speaking in an interview with Iranian state television, Abdollahian stated that the window for political solutions was narrowing, and the prospect of the conflict spreading to other fronts was becoming increasingly likely.

When asked about the possibility of Iran engaging in a war with Israel, Abdollahian remarked, “All possibilities are on the table.” He emphasized that the axis of resistance could take preventive and proactive actions in the coming hours, citing the need to address the “war crimes committed against the people of Gaza” in response to violent Israeli bombings.

Abdollahian had previously asserted that the resistance forces were prepared for a protracted conflict with the enemy, cautioning that if aggression persisted, clashes could extend further. He also highlighted the strong unity and coordination among resistance leaders, stressing that their response could reshape the map of the occupied territories.

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The Iranian Foreign Minister emphasized the broad capabilities of the Palestinian resistance and underlined Iran’s solidarity with its regional allies. He stated that the United States openly supported Israel, effectively engaging in the conflict against civilians in Gaza, despite advising others to exercise restraint.

Abdollahian had consistently called for an immediate halt to Israeli airstrikes in Gaza and urged the international community to take a unified stance against the escalation. He had also called for an emergency meeting of ministers from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to address the situation, with a primary focus on ending the violence and the siege against civilians in Gaza.

As the conflict continued, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported a grim toll, with 2,837 fatalities and approximately 12,000 wounded as a result of Israeli aggression in Gaza. The situation remained highly volatile, with the specter of an expanded conflict looming over the region.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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