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International Outcry Against U.S. Military Strikes in Syria: Accusations of Aggression and Calls for Diplomatic Intervention

The Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry issued a statement condemning the U.S. attack, according to al-Watan.
International Outcry Against U.S. Military Strikes in Syria: Accusations of Aggression and Calls for Diplomatic Intervention

In a series of reports from Damascus and Moscow, significant condemnation and concerns were voiced regarding the United States’ military actions in the eastern region of Syria, near the Iraqi borders. According to a military statement on February 3, 2024, the U.S. launched aerial strikes on several sites and towns in this area, resulting in numerous civilian and military casualties, injuries, and substantial damage to both private and public properties. The Syrian military criticized these actions as unjustified aggression aimed at weakening Syria’s capacity to combat terrorism, highlighting the targeted region’s role in fighting remnants of the Daesh terrorist organization.

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The Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry issued a statement condemning the U.S. attack, labelling it as a revival effort of ISIS terrorist activities by the United States and a violation of Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the safety of its citizens. This stance portrays the U.S. as a source of global instability, with its military presence threatening international peace and security, and contributing to regional conflict. The ministry also expressed dismay at the UN Security Council’s inaction, hindered by the U.S., preventing it from addressing these violations.

Russia condemns

In parallel, Russia’s Foreign Ministry voiced its condemnation of the U.S. and Britain’s aerial aggression in Syria and Iraq, calling for an emergency UN Security Council meeting to discuss the situation. The ministry criticized the airstrikes for causing civilian casualties and destroying infrastructure, highlighting the actions as indicative of the U.S.’s aggressive policies in the Middle East and disregard for international law. Furthermore, Russia accused the U.S. of escalating conflict in the region and criticized the British Royal Air Force’s participation in these airstrikes, framing it as supportive of Washington’s provocative actions.

These developments have sparked significant international controversy, with calls for diplomatic discussions to address the implications of the U.S.’s military interventions in Syria and Iraq amidst ongoing concerns about regional stability and international law.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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