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Intense Clashes in Rural Idleb Cause Deaths, Injuries

As the regime pushes to make advances, opposition fighters and jihadi groups are pushing back, leading to casualties on both sides reports Etihad Press.
Intense Clashes in Rural Idleb Cause Deaths, Injuries

Violent clashes flared up on Saturday night and continued into Sunday on the outskirts of Binin in rural southern Idleb. The fighting took place between opposition factions and jihadist groups on one side, and government forces and affiliated militias on the other. 

The clashes were a result of government forces, backed by shelling, attempting to advance on rebel positions. According to reliable information, both sides suffered losses and injuries, though the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights did not provide numbers. 

The skies over western Idleb and the al-Ghab Plain, within the “de-escalation” zone, also saw heavy traffic of reconnaissance planes, the Syrian Observatory reported on Saturday evening. This coincided with Russian warplanes flying over Jabal al-Zawiya in rural Idleb, as rockets were fired and exploded over the nearby town of Kafr Oweid. 

Meanwhile, a member of the Turkish-allied Failaq al-Sham faction was killed in an attack on their headquarters after midnight late Saturday-early Sunday in the town of Killi, located on the road of the Bab al-Hawa crossing with Iskenderun district, north of Idleb city.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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