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Huge Fire in Center of Damascus

The fire quickly spread due to the presence of several workshops that manufacture shoes and bags, according to Athr Press.
Huge Fire in Center of Damascus

Mahmoud Karim, a member of the Damascus Governorate Council for the Civil Defense Sector, has confirmed to Athr Press that a fire broke out at dawn on Sunday near the al-Hal market on al-Thawra Street. The fire quickly spread due to the presence of several workshops that manufacture shoes and bags.

Karim mentioned that at three o’clock this morning, the governorate received an alarm regarding a fire at Hammam al-Khandy in the Sarouja area, towards the old Hal market. He highlighted the presence of the al-Khandy fire station in the vicinity, which responded within minutes, and was supported by the al-Nasr center. The combined efforts brought the number of fire trucks to 21, equipped with full gear, including three vehicles from the White Helmets and four large tankers from the Damascus Governorate. These resources facilitated a swift intervention to control the fire.

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Despite the rapid response, the fire impacted several houses and workshops in the area. The region comprises old Arab houses constructed with wood, clay, and adobe, making them susceptible to fire. Additionally, the presence of workshops manufacturing shoes and bags, which utilize flammable materials, contributed to the fire’s rapid spread. The fire engulfed a significant area with narrow streets. Karim noted the presence of an archaeological site in the vicinity, where some documents were damaged by the fire. However, before this incident, all important documents had been relocated, ensuring their safety.

Karim emphasized that the fire trucks would remain in the area, anticipating the possibility of the fire reigniting or any collapses in the archaeological arches due to high temperatures. Currently, an assessment is underway to determine the extent of the area affected by the fire, including the number of houses and material damage incurred.

The suppression operations lasted for over three hours. The Red Crescent reported treating eight cases in connection with the fire, with two individuals being transferred to the hospital and four rescued at the scene.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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