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Hemeimeem Center: 23 Assad Fighters Killed in Northern Hama

In two days of fierce fighting on the northern Hama fronts, 23 regime soldiers were killed according to the Russian Center for Reconciliations writes Alsouria Net.
Hemeimeem Center: 23 Assad Fighters Killed in Northern Hama

The Russian Center for Reconciliations at the Russian Hemeimeem base in Lattakia has revealed that 23 fighters in Assad’s forces were killed in the last two days on the Hama fronts, coinciding with regime media announcing a visit by the Defense Minister to the southern Idleb countryside.

The Hemeimeem center, affiliated with the Russian Defense Ministry, said that, “23 Syrian soldiers were killed and seven others were wounded while the army repelled attacks by militants over Saturday and Sunday” according to the Russia Today website.

The center added that, “the illegal armed groups deployed in the deescalation zones in Idleb province have not ceased their attempts to expand the area under their control at the expense of government forces positions.”

On Monday, the Syrian SANA news agency said that the regime Defense Minister, Ali Abullah Ayoub, had visited the strategic town of al-Habbit in the Idleb countryside, hours after Assad’s forces announced they had taken control of it on Sunday.

According to SANA, Ayoub met with, “the soldiers who had taken part in the operation to liberate the town from armed groups after they inflicted significant losses in their ranks.”

Previously, Ali Basha, the commander of Ahrar al-Sham, which is part of the National Front, said in a video recording about the latest developments in the battle north of Hama, “the regime is today advancing and has taken control over some villages, but at a high cost and with heavy losses in lives and equipment, losing more than 1,000 fighters, including 150 officers, and dozens of armored vehicles, machines and tanks.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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