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Elite Syrian Rebel Fighter ‘Abu Tow’ Offers to Help Ukraine Destroy Russian Tanks

Abu Tow, known for destroying Assad regime tanks, offered to fight alongside the Ukrainian army, according to al-Araby al-Jadeed.
Elite Syrian Rebel Fighter 'Abu Tow' Offers to Help Ukraine Destroy Russian Tanks
Elite Syrian Rebel Fighter ‘Abu Tow’ Offers to Help Ukraine Destroy Russian Tanks

A legendary Syrian rebel fighter has offered his expertise to the Ukrainian army in helping them roll back a Russian invasion. Suhail al-Hamood – nicknamed Abu Tow after the anti-tank missile – is said to have destroyed more than 100 Russian-made tanks in Syria during the Free Syrian Army’s battles against Assad regime forces.

After Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, Abu Tow was quick to offer Kyiv help in taking out more Russian tanks.

“How can I go to Ukraine and fight alongside the Ukrainian army Is there a way I’m ready,” he tweeted.

When someone told him “where there’s a will there’s a way”, Abu Tow responded that he was serious about offering his services in battling the Russian invaders in Ukraine.

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Idleb-based Abu Tow told The New Arab that so far he has been unable to reach Ukraine due to a lack of funds and not having a passport.

“There is a strong will I am in Idleb now and ready to go to support the Ukrainian army. I want to help someone,” he replied.

Russia, the Syrian regime’s main weapons supplier, boosted Assad’s flagging military in September 2015 by launching airstrikes on opposition areas, targeting infrastructure and civilians including hospitals and rescue workers.

Around the same time as the Russian intervention, rebels reportedly received a shipment of more TOW missiles which were used to take out Assad regime armor, particularly in central Syria. 

Abu Tow, who defected from the Syrian special forces in 2012, reportedly neutralized over 130 enemy tanks and other equipment during the war.

Ukraine has called on foreign volunteers to join their fight against Russian forces.

Twitter users gave advice to the legendary Syrian fighter on how to reach Ukraine.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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