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De-Escalation Zones Do Not Legitimize Turkish Presence in Syria: Foreign Ministry

Government official says Ankara can play a role in restoring security by ending its support for terrorism, state media reports
De-Escalation Zones Do Not Legitimize Turkish Presence in Syria: Foreign Ministry

An official source from the Foreign Ministry said that the de-escalation zone agreements reached at the most recent round of the Astana meetings do not legitimize the presence of Turkish forces on Syrian territory.

"Syria stresses that the agreement on establishing a de-escalation zone in the Idleb province is a temporary deal that aims at reviving the ancient Damascus-Hama-Aleppo road, which will contribute to reducing the suffering of civilians and facilitate movement to Aleppo and neighboring areas,” the source told SANA on Saturday.

The source said that Turkey now has the opportunity to uphold its guarantee to end its support for terrorism by stopping its arming, financing and facilitating their entrance into Syria, thereby helping to restore security to these areas.

It added that Syria will not waive its right to preserve its independence and territorial integrity and that it will not halt its war to eradicate terrorism wherever it exists and whoever supports it.

This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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