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Damascus Governorate Sets Conditions for the Return of Yarmouk Camp Residents

The residents of Yarmouk camp have been told that they can now return to their homes, so long as the meet a number of conditions reports Shaam News.
Damascus Governorate Sets Conditions for the Return of Yarmouk Camp Residents

The Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria (AGPS) said that Damascus Governorate has set three conditions for the return of the residents of Yarmouk camp to their homes, according to what a member of the executive office of Damascus Governorate, Samir Jazaerli, told pro-regime newspaper, Al-Watan.

Jazaerli explained that Damascus Governorate had agreed to the return of the residents, on condition that the building they live in is intact, that the person proves that they own the property, in addition to obtaining the necessary approvals.

He pointed out that the committee tasked with returning Yarmouk camp residents to their homes discussed, during a meeting held on Monday evening, the 2,900 objections to the camp’s organizational scheme as well as taking their time when it comes to proposing an organizational solution, which is purely related to engineering and has nothing to do with politics. The committee approved the return of the Yarmouk camp residents to their homes under conditions related to structural safety and obtaining the necessary approvals.

Dozens of Palestinian families have recently submitted their property documents to the Syrian security checkpoint at the 30th Street entrance outside Yarmouk camp in order to obtain security approvals for camp housing. Those families are looking to get rid of the additional financial burdens that come with renting a house.

About 200 families live in Yarmouk camp, in several neighborhoods. They have great difficulty securing basic needs, such as bread, potable water, natural gas for heating or making food, in addition to the lack of transportation to commute to and from the camp to purchase their basic needs.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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