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China Renews Support for Syria and Its Fight Against Terrorism

China’s Special Envoy to Syria expressed his country's willingness to take part in the reconstruction of Syria reports Al-Thawra
China Renews Support for Syria and Its Fight Against Terrorism

On Thursday, the Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Muallem and China’s Special Envoy to Syria Xie Xiaoyan and the accompanying delegation reviewed the relationship between Syria and China and developments of the situation in Syria and the region.

Both sides discussed the efforts made to achieve a political solution to the crisis in Syria, alongside the continuation of the fight against terrorism.

Presenting a review on the latest political and field development in Syria, al-Muallem said that Syria is going ahead in its war on terrorism and that the Syrian Arab Army will root out terrorists who commit crimes and massacres against innocent civilians the last of which was the massacre that took place in Suweida.

On Wednesday, remnants of the Islamic State (ISIS), coming from al-Badia (desert), committed brutal crimes in Suweida where hundreds of civilians were martyred or injured.

Al-Muallem stressed that the Syrian Arab Army, in cooperation with its allies, will liberate all Syrian territory.

The Minister also talked about the efforts exerted by the Syrian Government at various levels to facilitate the return of Syrian refugees and displaced people to their cities and villages and to secure a decent living for them, hoping that the friendly China will back these efforts.

He pointed out to the importance of enhancing and developing the historical relations binding the two friendly countries in various fields.

Al-Muallem thanked China for the assistance it provides Syria, and expressed Syria’s appreciation for China’s role on the international stage, in helping Syria face the terrorist aggression against it and the unjust economic sanctions imposed on it.

For his part, the Chinese envoy expressed his country’s strong condemnation of the heinous terrorist crime committed by ISIS in Suweida and offered condolences to the Syrian people and the families of the victims.

He stressed that China stands by Syria in its war on terrorism and will remain until it is completely eradicated.

The Chinese Diplomat renewed his country’s stance, which calls for the return of security and stability to Syria, stressing that China pays great attention to the issue of the return of Syrian refugees and displaced people and continues to provide assistance to Syria.

He said that China will continue to play a constructive role in the settling of the crisis in Syria in coordination with the Syrian side in a way that guarantees sovereignty, territorial integrity and the independence of Syria.

The Chinese envoy expressed his country’s keenness to deepen bilateral cooperation with Syria in all fields, particularly in the light of the friendly relations binding China and Syria, where Syria is considered an important station within the Chinese initiative of the belt and road.


This article was edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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