
Assad Militias Ask For Volunteers in Deir El-Zor

Leaflets were distributed in the city encouraging people to sign up
Assad Militias Ask For Volunteers in Deir El-Zor

Militias connected to the regime Republican Guard have distributed leaflets and posters addressing the residents of Deir El-Zor in Jura and al-Qusr neighborhoods, which are under the control of Assad's forces, to volunteer to defend their country.


The posters and leaflets acrry the slogan: "A homeland we do not protect, we do not deserve to live in."


"To all the people of Deir El-Zor, the honest people who truly care about their country and who want to support the Syrian Arab Army in its defense of Syria's land and people: Subscribe to the  People Protection Units in order to clear the country from the gangs that claim affiliation to the intolerant message of Islam," the leaflets read.


The leaflets outlined the benefits for volunteers, saying that volunteers have all the rights and the duties of soldiers.


"Those who did not serve in the military service shall be exempt from it. Those who volunteer in the units can go back to their civil life after the crisis, and they will be considered employees in any civilian department in their provinces," the leaflet said.


According to the leaflets, the leadership of the units is directly connected to the Republican Guard, whom the leaflets described as "the men of God on earth", praising their heroism by saying.


"They are the light for those who chose the right path and they are the fire which burns those who chose to attack people," they said.


The leaflets concluded by specifying by sayign that applications should be submitted at the headquarters of the Republican Guard in the city.


Observers believe that this invitation to subscribe to militias connected to the Republican Guards – who suppressed the peaceful demonstrations since the outbreak of the revolution in the country and set up checkpoints in the city centers – is aimed at compensating for a shortage in Assad's forces and their militias after the violent clashes between the forces of the Free Syrina Army and Assad troops, especially after the developments in Iraq.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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