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As-Salamiyah Coordination Committee: A Response to Suleiman Hraki

Coordination Committee issues statement denouncing remarks by Coalition member Suleiman al-Hraki
As-Salamiyah Coordination Committee: A Response to Suleiman Hraki

Political rhetoric may not be appropriate in order to condemn what the member of the Coalition and the representative of the revolutionary movement in Hama, sectarian mercenary Suleiman al-Hraki, published regarding the massacre committed by ISIS against civilians (many of them are elderly, women and children). We, at the Coordination Committee, are forced to adopt this political language, as much as possible, because of Hraki’s aforementioned political positions.

What political organization would accept in its ranks such mentalities and mindsets that falsely describe the village of al-Maboujah as "Alawite"? What kind of alternative for the regime would embrace such sectarian charlatans who do not hesitate to show their sectarianism, misrepresenting the nature and diverse composition of al-Maboujah village – whose children, elderly and women were killed or burnt, while those who stayed alive and failed to escape became captives.

After the Coalition has reached this degree of deterioration, is there any doubt about its moral and political failure?

After such a statement from the Coalition member, can any sane person imagine the formation of a constructive political status capable of political action with wide support, sympathy and understanding of the international political players?

If the representative of this "revolutionary" movement in the province of Hama is such a bigoted person, then we in the Coordination Committee, and all the opposition figures in as-Salamiyah city (where the number of demonstrators reached 17,000 from the total population of 100,000) announce we have no relation with him.

If this "Coalition" does not take a position against this person, a position that meets with what is stated and declared in its documents concerning ISIS, then the Coalition shares the same perspective and destiny as this organization, and as such, we do not believe it deserves to be called a "National Coalition for Revolutionary and Opposition Forces".

Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer

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