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After 12 Years: Italy Decides to Appoint an Ambassador to Syria

Italy is the first of the Group of Seven countries to resume its diplomatic mission in Damascus since 2011.
After 12 Years: Italy Decides to Appoint an Ambassador to Syria

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said on Friday that Rome had decided to appoint an ambassador to Syria, days after representatives of eight European countries sent a letter to the European Union calling for an amendment to the bloc’s policy on Syria.

Reuters quoted Tajani as saying: “It has been announced that the special envoy of the Italian Foreign Ministry currently appointed to Syria, Stefano Ravagnan, will serve as ambassador to Damascus.”

“The EU’s policy in Syria must adapt to the evolution of the situation,” Tajani said, adding that “Italy received support from Austria, Croatia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus, and Slovakia.”

The Italian Foreign Minister pointed out that this step is in line with the letter sent by representatives of eight EU countries to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. Tajani explained that Borrell tasked the European External Action Service to study what can be done.

A report published by the website of the American channel “Alhurra” noted that Italy’s appointment of its ambassador to Syria could create divisions within the European Union.

On July 22, a report by the German Press Agency said that representatives of eight EU countries sent a letter to Borrell proposing several measures, including the appointment of a special envoy to Syria, according to a discussion paper presented at the meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels. This letter was signed by Italy, Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, and Slovakia.

Italy is the first of the Group of Seven countries to resume its diplomatic mission in Damascus since 2011.



This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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