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Details of Release of Syrian Woman After 12 Years in Assad’s Prisons

Nayfeh Khaddour, a native of Daraa, has been held on charges of terrorism since 2012, according to Orient Net.
Details of Release of Syrian Woman After 12 Years in Assad’s Prisons

After lawyer Michel Shammas published her story, local accounts and pages began circulating news of the release of Syrian detainee Nayfeh Khaddour from Daraa.

Michel Shammas, a human rights activist and advocate for detainees’ cases, stated that Nayfa was one of his clients in late 2012 when she was brought before the terrorism court.

The lawyer acknowledged his efforts to secure her “release,” but due to the numerous charges in her file, she was ultimately referred to the Criminal Court.

“No value to the judiciary and the last word for security” 

Shammas highlighted that the girl’s brother contacted him, seeking approval for another lawyer to handle her case and secure her release. Unfortunately, the other lawyer was unable to achieve anything, and she remained in detention.

“Today, after twelve years, the terrorism court finally grants her release. However, instead of being immediately freed from prison, she was sent to the office of Major General Ali Mamlouk for further review. This clearly demonstrates that judicial decisions hold little value, as the final say rests with the security services.

Various accounts and local pages shared the news of the young Syrian woman Nayfeh Khaddour’s release. Mona Mohammed posted on Facebook alongside a picture of the survivor of Assad’s prisons, stating, “After more than 12 years of captivity, Nayfeh Khaddour spent her first night in her family’s home, finally free from detention. Nayfeh Khaddour, originally from Daraa, had been held since 2012.”

Activists circulated an old video previously boasted about by the Assad regime, featuring several Syrian female detainees at Adra prison, most of whom were young women, including “Nayfeh.” The report’s author attempted to portray the detainees as content within the prison and highlighted the services provided by the facility. However, the Assad regime’s prisons have long been notorious for their appalling reputation, brutal torture, and the targeted elimination of prisoners.


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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