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For First Time, UN Cars Enter Peace Spring Area through Lines of Contact

The convoy included cholera and leishmaniasis "desperately needed" medicines, according to al-Souria Net.
For First Time, UN Cars Enter Peace Spring Area through Lines of Contact

Four days ago, the Peace Spring area witnessed a first-of-its-kind move by the United Nations, as its special mission to Syria brought a humanitarian convoy to the city of Ras al-Ain across the lines of contact. 

The mission Tweeted “a humanitarian convoy loaded with medicines was able to return to Qamishli, after delivering health supplies to the health sector in Ras al-Ain.” 

The convoy included cholera and leishmaniasis “desperately needed” medicines. 

Cholera Outbreak in Syria Provokes Warnings of ‘Health Disaster’

The United Nations has never announced the move, which took place in the “Peace Spring,” while repeating it in recent months in Idleb governorate, northwestern Syria.   

A source familiar with the matter said the convoy included cars loaded with cholera medicines. Another source said the team that entered inspected the Alok water station, which pumps water to the city of Hasakeh.   

Germany’s special envoy for Syria, Stefan Schnek, wrote on Monday: “We welcome the UN mission across the lines of conflict from Qamishli to areas in Ras al-Ain in northern Syria.”   

“Cross-border and conflict missions are essential to alleviate the suffering of Syrians. “We call on all parties to the conflict in Syria to ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those who deserve it,” he added. 

The entry of aid through the lines of contact is provoking widespread controversy and indignation among opposition activists for what they see as “normalization with the regime and the handing over of the humanitarian issue to Russia.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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