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U.S.-Syrian Negotiations: A Changing Diplomatic Landscape

Various parties have recognized that Damascus serves the interests of all, Firas Ali Deeb writes in al-Watan.
U.S.-Syrian Negotiations: A Changing Diplomatic Landscape

In today’s age of social media, it is not uncommon to witness teenagers seeking fame through various means, including provocative trends. However, when a foreign minister, representing a country like France, engages in intellectual and practical theatrics to grab attention and make headlines, it reflects poorly on diplomacy in nations that still consider themselves influential. Without beating around the bush, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna made it clear that her country supports the trial of President Bashar al-Assad.

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Some argue that France is well aware that its openness towards Syria is a reality They recognize that the ongoing talks between the US and Syria, mediated by Oman, hold substance beyond mere speculation. These negotiations, some say, resulted in allowing the Syrian Negotiations Commission to reconvene in Geneva to rebuild the Syrian opposition as a viable partner in the political solution, potentially leading to the United States easing its burden in exchange for progress on the political front. 

The answer does not lie with us, but rather with those who fail to realistically perceive the Syrian state’s changing landscape and true nature. They persist in viewing these developments through the lens of an opposition group, eagerly awaiting divine intervention to overthrow the regime. Considering what Syria has endured and continues to face, it is apparent that such concerns hold little weight. Ultimately, various parties recognize that Damascus serves the interests of all, as it has remained a constant amidst the turmoil. As a French citizen stated earlier this year, though their words may have fallen on deaf ears, “Everyone will need Bashar al-Assad… Let us hope we do not realize this too late.”


This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. The Syrian Observer has not verified the content of this story. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.

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