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Opinion: American Terrorism

U.S. policy on Syria has been contradictory from the very beginning of the crisis
Opinion: American Terrorism

No one can deny the disgraceful role of U.S. diplomacy in contributing to the Syrian crisis since the very early days.


That was shown clearly during an interview with U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry on ABC television, when he justified the U.S. policy of on re-arming terrorist organizations after they had clashed with other factions formed by Saudi Arabia on the Turkish border, saying that U.S. "non-lethal military aid” will continue very quickly after it was temporarily suspended.


There is no doubt about the contradictions in this policy. The head of this diplomatic move, Kerry, is talking about arming the terrorists in Syria while at the same time saying that no one wants to be involved in a war against Syria.


Kerry has added that the U.S. administration relies on diplomacy to resolve the conflict in Syria. In fact, all the statements from U.S. officials, especially its Secretary of State, show clearly the contradictions and shadey policy.


Robert Ford, the former U.S. Ambassador to Syria, announced during a television interview that his country's stance has not changed towards the crisis in Syria. He said that the U.S. decision to suspend the “non-lethal aid” is due only to security conditions.  Ford's declaration is considered strong evidence that the U.S. supports terrorism in Syria.


This form of terror diplomacy was practiced by the U.S. in Syria three years ago. Indeed, the U.S. and its allies, especially Gulf arms financers, are still waiting to achieve a balance on the Syrian ground that serves their interests.


In this context, and according to a recent report in American Foreign Policy magazine, an arms deal between Saudi Arabia and a U.S. company was agreed, under which Saudi Arabia would receive 15,000 anti-tank missiles, worth about one billion dollars.


Undoubtedly the deal has been completed. Therefore, we have to wonder where these weapons will go to. These types of weapons are used mainly in ground operations.


Foreign Policy pointed out that U.S. officials had not admitted to this deal.  American laws prevent the on-sale of weapons to a third party, but it must have been agreed by the U.S. administration. The US and its allies have no need to deny their support for terrorism, and the al-Saud wahhabi Kingdom has unabashedly declared that they are arming the terrorists in Syria.


Thus, is there any doubt about the U.S. contradictory diplomacy towards Syria?  In fact, the U.S. is considered the main supporter and sponsor of terrorism in the region as a whole. Any recent U.S. statements about the crisis in Syria and an agreement with Russia on a political solution at the Geneva II conference are merely a waste of time.


Translated and edited by The Syrian Observer


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