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Syrian actors

Impending Explosion at the Port of Tartous?

Alarm bells have been sounded about a large amount hazardous material that is being stored at Tartous Port, with fears it could ignite reports Baladi News.

Raqqa: Two Army Soldiers Die in ISIS Ambush

The Syrian army was ambushed on the Rusafa-Athariya road by the Islamic State, who were able to kill two fighters reports Zaman Al-Wasl.

National Army Shuts Down Headquarters

In an effort to stop attacks in residential areas, the National Army has announced plans to relocate headquarters from the towns and cities to the Aleppo countryside writes Alsouria Net.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Protests have erupted in Ras al-Ayn, the first coronavirus related death has been recorded in Idleb, the Turkish army have struck the regime in Aleppo and Hasssakeh have demanded the removal of the US. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

Assad Forces Confiscate Property in Eastern Ghouta

The Assad regime is engaging in a campaign to seize the property of families who have fled Eastern Ghouta to the relative safety of the north reports Zaman Al-Wasl.

Death Toll Goes Down in Capital Damascus

Damascus has reported a fall in the daily death toll, suggesting a decrease in the number of coronavirus infections writes Al-Watan.