

Syria’s Fuel Crisis Reveals a Corrupt Assad Regime

The fuel crisis currently gripping Syria is not the first in the era of the Assad regime and has led to the weakening of the middle class and the desperation of the poor reports Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

459 Arbitrary Arrests Documented in April 2019

Arbitrary arrests and enforced disappearances have been a common tool of the intelligence services to spread terror and fear among the general public writes The Syrian Network for Human Rights.

8,409 Charged With Drug Dealing in 2018

Major Hossam Azar from the anti-drug department, blamed the spread of drugs on terrorist groups, who use the profits to fund their activities writes Al-Watan.

Kosovan Citizens Return From Syria

The returning Kosovan citizens, some of whom are foreign fighters, but mainly women and children, have described their time in Syria negatively reports Asharq al-Awsat.

Crimea Seeks to Enhance Friendly Relations With Syria

At the 5th Yalta International Economic Conference, Crimea and Syria have discussed strengthening ties between the two countries and establishing a joint commercial house writes SANA.

Syrian Media Downplays the Fuel Crisis

Despite the long queue building up outside gas stations, the regime is continuing to downplay the effect that gas crisis is having on people reports Al-Modon.

What If OCHA Returned to Damascus?

The prospect of the return of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has raised many questions about the relationship between the regime and the UN and how aid will be used writes Al-Modon.

Economic Expert Warns Against Subsidies

The regime has been warned that, if it lifts the subsidies on gasoline, then the cost of living, which is already too high for many, will rise further reports Al-Iqtissadi.

Al-Qaterji Business Extends to Oil Smuggling

The al-Omar and al-Tank oil fields are pumping up huge amounts of oil on a daily basis, which is then sold or smuggled across the country writes The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

25,000 Former Soldiers Apply for Support

The National Fund for Social Assistance hopes to secure a large number of public sector jobs for those who have completed their military service writes Al-Watan.