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15 Syrian Children Die of Freezing Weather

Freezing temperatures and heavy rain has made compounded the misery of refugees and caused the death of 15 children reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Angry Messages Directed at Assad

Regime loyalists have taken to social media to express their anger with the handling of the crisis in Syria by the leadership reports Alsouria Net.

Agricultural Sector Revitalized in Deir ez-Zor

The government has announced the rehabilitation of the agriculture sector in Deir ez-Zor and which will positively impact the tens of thousands of returning people writes SANA.

Syria visited by French delegation

Thierry Mariani congratulated the Syrian people on their victory against terrorism and stressed the need for sanctions to be lifted reports SANA.

Syrians Seek to Psychological Treatment

Years of conflict have left many Syrians mentally scarred and seeking psychiatric services to help them cope writes Al-Watan.

SDF Capture Senior ISIS Leader in Deir ez-Zor

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces have been fighting to eliminate the Islamic State from east of the Euphrates reports Zaman Al Wasl.

8,845 Jordanians Wanted by the Assad regime: Check the List

The Syrian security services have thousands of Jordanians on their wanted list raising fears among Jordanians who planned to visit Syria after the opening of the joint border crossing, according to Zaman Al Wasl

Syrians Struggle in ‘Camp of Death’

The Rukban camp is home to 50,000 displaced people, who are in desperate need of help, and their situation is getting worse reports Asharq al-Awsat.

Returning Syrians Arrested by the Regime

Reports have circulated of regime security forces arresting people who are attempting to return to regime controlled areas writes Etihad Press.