
Foreign actors

The Gates of Hell Open Up in Northern Syria

Lebanese website Al-Modon comments on the fracturing of opposition forces in Syria’s northern provinces as internal fighting forces factions to side with one of the two main rebel groups, Ahrar al-Sham or Al-Qaeda’s affiliate Jabhat Fateh al-Sham

How Did the Opposition Respond to Russia’s Proposal for a New Syrian Constitution?

Rebel representative denies opposition delegates agreed to consider Russia’s draft constitution, saying that three issues will determine whether the opposition will continue its participation in political process — these include consolidating the ceasefire, bringing in humanitarian aid and releasing prisoners, Alsouria Net writes

Why Are Chechen Military Police Patrolling Aleppo?

Ain al-Medina explains the reason Moscow sent non-Russian special forces to a foreign country as part of a special mission for the first time since the breakup of the Soviet Union

Opinion: A Russian Constitution For Syria

The draft constitution has been prepared by Russian experts in order to speed up the political process