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Foreign actors

Students in Idleb Protest Closure of Universities

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham have closed down a number of universities in the northern Syrian province of Idleb, in an attempt to increase their control writes Asharq al-Awsat.

Trump “100 Percent” Favors Keeping US Troops in Syria

In December of last year, US President Donald Trump said that he would pull out all 2,000 US troops from Syria, but now appears to be changing his mind writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

Clashes Escalate in Aleppo

Hezbollah has joined regime forces in fighting opposition forces in and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham in the Aleppo countryside reports Al-Modon.

Morocco Not a ‘Haven’ for Syrian Refugees

For Syrians living in Morocco, their lives are beset by problems on all sides, with a lack of healthcare and difficulties in securing the proper paperwork writes Zaman Al Wasl.

Why Did Abou Hatab Resign?

The former head of the Interim Government, Jawad Abou Hatab, tried to bring together the opposition groups inside Syria, without interference from foreign powers writes Hurriya Press.

The Battle for Idleb Could Be Launched Soon

Original plans for an assault were postponed following talks between Russia and Turkey, but smaller skirmishes have continued since then writes Hashtag Syria.

Turkey Reopens Key Border Crossing With Syria

The border was closed with the outbreak of the war and hugely increased the amount of time it took to transport goods from Turkey to Syria writes Anadolu Agency.

France Proposes Amendments to the Constitution

France has reportedly reached out to Moscow to break the impasse of the constitutional committee and speed up the process of elections in Syria writes Asharq al-Awsat.

What Happened Over the Weekend

An Al-Qaeda-linked group kills 21 regime forces near Idlib, the Syrian government denounces the UK’s blacklisting of Hezbollah and accuses the US of investing in terrorism, ISIS is close to final territorial defeat and a Syrian parliamentary delegation is in Jordan on the occasion of a conference on Jerusalem. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.