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Foreign actors

Syria’s Dog Economy

The breeder and trading of dogs is a growing business in Syria, with some dogs being sold for as much as 3 million Syrian pounds writes Al-Watan.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Israeli airstrikes on Hama’s countryside, regime airstrikes in Idleb, Turkish reinforcements sent to the border and Leishmaniasis disease spreads across Raqqa. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.

ISIS in the al-Hol Camp

While the Islamic State has lost its final piece of territory, there are claims that they are now using the al-Hol refugee camp as a base to organize activities reports Ana Press.

Kurdish Organizations Accuse Turkey of War Crimes in Afrin

Kurdish groups have condemned the arrest of prominent Kurdish figures, as well as the kidnapping, armed robbery, seizure of property and forceful expulsion of residents in Afrin reports Etihad Press.

Is the al-Rukban Camp Being Dismantled?

Following a meeting between Russia, the regime and representatives from al-Rukban, families have started to leave, although the fate that awaits them is unclear writes Al-Modon.

Sheikho Warns About the Forced Return of Syrian Refugees

Syrian refugees living Lebanon have been subjected to appalling attacks and have faced extreme pressure to return home, despite the prevailing conditions in Syria writes the Syrian National Coalition.

Syrian Child Saved by Turkish Coast Guard

Desperate Syrians are still trying to make the dangerous crossing from Turkey to Greece, with many drowning before they reach their destination reports Zaman Al Wasl.

Four Syrians on the Forbes Middle East Rich List

Four Syrian businessmen have made it on to Forbes Middle East Rich List 2019, although the total wealth of the list has dropped five percent from last year reports Alsouria Net.

Syrians Fled for a Reason. Now Their Safe Return Is at Stake

The war in Syria has displaced 13 million people, but the situation and realities on the ground are not helping to facilitate their return writes Al-Araby al-Jadeed.

What Happened Over the Weekend

Arrests in eastern Ghouta, continued suffering at the al-Rukban camp, five dead in Hama and al-Sisi pledges support for a political resolution. Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend.